JetCompareWishlist v1.5.5.2 Plugin

JetCompareWishlist is a new WordPress Plugin for Elementor Pro created by Crocoblock. This plugin comes with a ton of features which helps your customers to compare product easily and quickly.

Core Features of JetCompareWishlist Plugin

  • Compare products by any data
    Set the parameters by which you want to compare the products
  • Display well-organized wishlists
    Style up the structure and looks of the products wishlist according to your goal
  • Add Compare and Wishlist buttons
    With Compare and Wishlist buttons the visitors will easily add a product to a list
  • Show the Compare and Wishlist count
    Let the customers know the number of times a product was added to a list
  • Engaging Compare and Wishlist buttons
    Stylish buttons calling to add Products to Compare or Wishlist
  • Understandable Compare block
    Build a wonderful comparison table with Compare widget
  • Neat Compare Count and Wishlist Count buttons
    Let your visitors see how many Products they selected
  • Elegant Wishlist layout
    Showcase the Products chosen, in a nice Wishlist

What’s New (Changelog) in JetCompareWishlist v1.5.5.2

* Fixed: Security issue.

Sales Page and Live Demo of JetCompareWishlist Plugin

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