Salient Theme is a multi-purpose beautiful, incredibly responsive WordPress theme and perfect for freelancers, photographers, designers, and studio design. The great features of Salient’s design and layout will let work from your portfolio get the attention it deserves. It will be very interesting for those who are interested in website design. The main argument in favour of using this theme in the development of your website is its impressive appearance and beautiful design. So, this time is going to share Premium Salient WordPress Theme GPL and not the Salient Theme Nulled plugin for free.
The Salient theme’s main feature is the ability to create a video camera, in support of which is the original standard functionality. Also, an extensive tool panel will allow people to choose optimal colour styles. A website that is created through Salient Theme WordPress size can be full width as well as if desired, this parameter can be changed with just one click. To make the conversion from one width to another, the web page will automatically adjust and adapt.
Core Features of Salient WordPress Theme
- Much demos available – Salient offers extremely high-quality demos available to import with one click
- Every element & block available in Salient are meticulously planned and designed to ensure the highest level of detail possible.
- Take your design to the next level Shape Dividers. Easily control the size, position, color, and more.
- Cascading Images – Impress your audience with another Salient exclusive feature
- Site transitions – Choose between multiple available transitions for a nice & fluid user experience, or turn them all off together if desired.
- 4 Icon Packs Salient has one of the most complete icons sets available on all ThemeForest
- Multi-Layer Mouse-Based Parallax: Smooth & mobile performance is also based on device tilt.
- Masonry Image Galleries: Enjoy all the styles available for portfolio categories, but with easy drag and drop & bulk upload order.
- Megamenu Built-In – Select your columns and display full-width megamenu full width or boxed-in site container
- Fullscreen Rows, Off-Canvas Menu, High-Performance Animations, Exclusive Sliders, Advanced Typography, Multiple Blog Styles
- Multiple Single Post Layouts, Truly Customizable Portfolio, Infinite Scroll option for Blog & Portfolio, Graphically Intuitive Shortcode Generator, AJAX Search
- Extensive Theme Options, Unlimited Color Options, Powerful Lightboxes, Valid HTML5, SEO Optimized
What’s New (Changelog) in Salient v16.1.3
v16.1.3 (1/4/24)
- Added ability to define screen reader text for “Column” page builder element > Column Link
- Added ability to define screen reader text for “Icon” page builder element
- Added option for “Direction” to text page builder elements to allow for manually setting RTL vs LTR displays, regardless of the current language direction
- Added styling for new WooCommerce block based cart/checkout
- Fixed error that would occur if the Salient Core plugin was active without WPBakery being active
- Fixed accessibility color contrast issue with “Skip to main content” link
- Fixed blog excerpt to show correct text when Nectar Slider is used as top level element in post
- Fixed “Tabs” page builder element when nesting “WooCommerce Products” > Carousel inside
- Fixed WooCommerce Account login/register when using theme performance option to “Delay JavaScript Execution”
- Fixed Column BG image > BG Position issue when using Global Sections
- Fixed WooCommerce minicart to reveal normally when first product is added through AJAX in an empty cart
- Fixed WooCommerce header nav cart link to display count correctly after updating through AJAX on mobile
- Fixed duplicate ID HTML validation issue with “Menu Bottom Bar” header layout
- Fixed responsive column padding to correctly override desktop values for tablet and mobile
- Fixed custom header navigation search trigger class name (.nectar-search-open-trigger) functionality
- Fixed PHP notices when importing older demos
- Fixed RTL styling issues with various blog elements, and header navigation arrows
- Fixed “Star Rating” page builder element to display 3.5 star option correctly
- Fixed Global Section page builder element to be overridable from child theme
- Fixed Post Loop Builder to correctly display date when it’s the only meta item selected
- Updated Salient Core to v2.0.6
- Updated Salient Demo Importer to v1.6.2
Sales Page and Live Demo of Salient WordPress Theme