WordPress to Buffer Pro is a powerful plugin that allows users to automatically send content from their WordPress website to their Buffer account for scheduled publishing to various social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Mastodon, Google Business, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. This plugin saves time by allowing users to easily share posts, pages, and custom post types with their followers on social media.

Core Features of WordPress to Buffer Pro Plugin
- Support for various social media platforms: The plugin lets users schedule status messages for Posts, Pages, and Custom Post Types to Facebook (Pages and Groups), Twitter, LinkedIn (Pages and Profiles), Pinterest, Instagram (Business Profiles), Google Business, and Mastodon.
- Automatic sharing of content: Users can automatically share their posts, pages, and custom post types to their social media profiles.
- Support for Instagram Business Profiles: If users have an Instagram Business Profile, they can schedule posts to be published straight to their Instagram without the need for a paid Buffer plan.
- Full support for custom post types: The plugin works with all public custom post types, including WooCommerce products or any theme/plugin-defined custom post types.
- Multiple customizable status messages per post: For each post type and social media account combination, users can specify any number of unique statuses, each with its text and options.
- Separate options per social network: Unique status messages can be defined on a per-post and social media account basis, allowing for any possible configuration to meet social media publishing needs.
- Powerful scheduling: Each social media status update can independently be set to add to the end or start of the buffer queue, publish immediately, or publish at a defined time period after the post’s publish date.
- Conditional publishing: Status updates can be set to conditionally be sent to Buffer based on a post’s author(s), published date range, taxonomy terms (categories, tags, and custom taxonomies), or custom field values.
- Automatic reposting of old posts: The plugin is the ideal solution if users want to revive old posts, pages, or custom post types containing evergreen content that would be useful to their social media followers.
- Full image control: For each post type and social media account combination, users can choose to either have their SEO or Open Graph Plugin define the image to include with their social media updates or let WordPress to Buffer Pro use their Post’s Featured Image.
What’s New (Changelog) in WordPress to Buffer Pro v4.9.6
4.9.6 (2023-02-06)
* Fix: Status: Tags: Modern Events Calendar: Output correct date when using {mec_event_start_date} and {mec_event_end_date}
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