If you’re one of those who are searching WordPress X theme, then your search is over because in this post I’m going to share and talk about this theme’s features and experiences. X | The Theme is a multifunctional theme for any website and needs any theme. The theme has two colour options, blue and green. It is structured in such a way that when reading articles, the user focuses on the published content as much as possible.
The template is easily installed through the admin panel or by extracting it by placing it on the server, and then activating the Design at the desired point. This theme is created by THEMECO (Theme.co) and sold on Themeforest.

Core Features of X | The Theme WordPress Theme
- Stack selection (Integrity, Renew, Icon, or Ethos)
- Adjust WooCommerce widget image alignment
- Background color, pattern, image, and image fade
- Body font, color, size (base and content area), and weight
- Bottom footer content (accepts HTML input)
- The button font color, background color, and border color (and set values for the hover as well)
- Button shape (square, rounded, or pill)
- Button size (mini, small, regular, large, extra-large, or jumbo)
- Button style (3D, flat, or transparent)
- Content layout (content left – sidebar right, sidebar left – content right, or fullwidth)
- Countless Stack-specific options
- Custom BuddyPress component subtitles (in applicable Stacks)
- Custom BuddyPress component titles
- Custom portfolio project button text
- Custom portfolio project title
- Custom portfolio tag list title
- Custom URL slug for your portfolio items
- Enable cropped featured images
- Enable custom fonts and their subsets if desired
- Enable or disable bbPress Navbar Menu
- Enable or disable bottom footer, footer menu, footer social menu, and footer content area
- Enable or disable breadcrumbs
- Enable or disable BuddyPress Navbar Menu
- Enable or disable Cross Sells and alter their appearance (post count, columns, et cetera)
- Enable or disable Navbar Search
- Enable or disable portfolio item meta
- Enable or disable post meta
- Enable or disable Related Products and alter their appearance (post count, columns, et cetera)
- Enable or disable social sharing links on portfolio items
- Enable or disable the Scroll Top Anchor, allowing your users to return to the top of your site with the click of a mouse
- Enable or disable top footer area)
- Enable or disable topbar
- Enable or disable Upsells and alter their appearance (post count, columns, et cetera)
- Enable or disable various product tabs with ease
- Enable the excerpt or full post content on your index page
- Footer widget areas (one, two, three, or four)
- Header position (static top, fixed top, fixed left, or fixed right)
- Header widget area button color
- Header widget area button color hover
- Header widget areas (one, two, three, or four)
- Headings font, color, weight, letter spacing, and choose to enable uppercase styling
- Input custom CSS right in the Theme Customizer
- Input custom JavaScript right in the Theme Customizer
- Link color and link color hover
- Logo and navigation layout (inline or stacked)
- Logo font, color, size, weight, letter spacing, and choose to enable uppercase styling
- Logo upload
- Make logo retina ready
- Manage all of your widgetized areas right in the Theme Customizer
- Manage and preview your bbPress setup
- Manage and preview your BuddyPress setup
- Manage and preview your WooCommerce shop
- Mobile navbar button alignment (in pixels)
- Mobile navbar button size (in pixels)
- Navbar link color, link color hover, size, weight, and choose to enable uppercase styling
- Navbar side width (in pixels)
- Navbar top and side link alignment (in pixels)
- Navbar top and side logo alignment (in pixels)
- Navbar top height (in pixels)
- Posts per page for the shop
- Profiles for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Foursquare, YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Pinterest, Dribbble, Behance, Tumblr, and RSS
- Select product columns
- Site icons (favicon, touch icon, tile icon, and tile icon background color)
- Site layout (fullwidth or boxed)
- Site max-width (in pixels)
- Site width (in percentage)
- Topbar content for taglines, contact information, or secondary navigation (accepts HTML input)
- Updated archive layout
- Updated archive style (standard or masonry)
- Updated bbPress layout
- Updated blog layout
- Updated blog style (standard or masonry)
- Updated BuddyPress layout
- Updated shop layout
What’s New (Changelog) in X | The Theme v10.4.12
X 10.4.12 – February 20, 2024
- Updated: More PHP 8.2 deprecation removals
- Updated: Hide ACF pro messaging when installed through Cornerstone
- Updated: x_share shortcode uses the new Twitter / X logo
Sales Page and Live Demo of X | The Theme WordPress Theme
Free Download X | The Theme Latest Version